APPLICATIONS OF OUR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS From drainage trenches in landslide to large infrastructural road works

pannelli drenanti per sistemazione frane
Our DRENOTER® drainage systems  have been used for many years in public and private building sites throughout Italy ; work of the 2016 construction site in Calabria, 4,200 linear meters of DRENOTER 1,000 with variable hydraulic section
Pannelli drenanti per lavori stradali
Deep water regulation at the side of the roadway is simpler and more efficient with the DRENOTER 1,000 panels (read the article of a 2015 work in Abruzzo)ROAD DRAINAGE IN THE HILL
The draining panels DRENOTER 1.000 find application also on the side of large infrastructures roads, to keep the groundwater level under control and prevent phenomena of instability in the roadway, read the article of a 2,500-meter work of DRENOTER PIPE 1000 DRAINING TRENCHES LANDSLIDES ROAD
The DRENOTER panels are frequently used also for the drainage of the retaining walls ; drainage structures can be created of the desired height behind the retaining walls, it is not necessary to add gravel  WALL DRAINAGE SCHEME
The presence of the water table can create serious problems to the basements of civil dwellings, the panels DRENOTERS solve the problem in buildings of new construction, read the article of a work done in LiguriaDRAINAGE OF A FOUNDATION
The presence of the water table can create serious problems to the basements of civil dwellings, the panels DRENOTERS solve the problem even in buildings already built; DRENOTER panels are installed at the core of diaphragms perimeteral to the buildings, read the article dedicated to a job into the Marche-Italy-2009DRAINING DIAPHRAGM AROUND BUILDINGS